How to write a blog using ChatGPT


writing blog is beneficial for so many reasons. From making money to teaching things to people and many more. to day in this article I am gonna show you how you can write a blog article using the new advanced AI ChatGPt from openAI. It is free to use and takes significantly less time to write an article using ChatGPT. so let’s dive deep in to this.

we are going to approach this step by step. so let’s start

step 1: create an account in OpenAI to access the service

create an account to access to chatgpt. its easy and simple. you can sign up using google.

step 2 : access ChatGPT

go to chatGPT section in the bottom left or TRY section in the header. you sould see an interface like this if you are successful

Step 3: search for in demand and low competition niche

if you have determined what topics to write in then its fine. otherwise you can take help from keyword search tools such as vidIQ

here you can find high search volume and low competition keywords like the one I found. this tool is extremely helpful.

step 4 : search in chatgpt to provide blog title about the keyword

there it is. chatgpt has responded with 5 blog titles about the keyword you provided. select one of them to write an article in.

step 5 : search in chatgpt for outlines

search “ provide the outline for this title : Title” in the search box.

you can see the responses. it would revert with 5–6 outlines.

step 6 : search for blog section

search “provide the blog section for this outline : outline”

as you can see it has responded with the blog section.

now copy and paste all this in a .doc file

repeat step 5 and step 6 for every outlines one by one and paste then into the same .doc file in order. once you have copied and pasted all the outlines and blog sections you’re good to go to the next step

step 7 : rewrite the article

go to duplichecker article rewriter

copy all the content in the .doc file ae have copied and pasted so far. paste in the box in the middle. solve the captcha and click Rewrite Article.

in the right section you will get an new rewritten article. press next and copy all the content by clicking copy button

paste in back into the .doc file in place of the previous article.

this is your new rewritten article. this article may have some spelling mistake and font problem. modify that and we are good to go.

step 8 : GPT-2 Output Detector Demo

one additional step you can follow is that you can check for plagiarism in this tool. how much of your article is real and copied from somewhere.

step 9 : publish

if you have followed all the steps correctly then you can go ahead and publish your article in any platform. You can publish them in any other platform or your own website.


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