Step-by-step guide on how to Use Prezi
Introduction: How to Use Prezi

Log on to your computer and head to In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create a presentation using Prezi. Your screen will look like this if you are on the right site.
Step 1: Get Started

Once you are on the Prezi website, you will click on the blue button that says “getting started”. This can be found in the top right corner, just above the arrow.
Step 2: Basic Account

After pressing “get started”, you should be brought to this screen. You will now click the “basic” account button. Make sure that you click the one that says “start today for free”.
Step 3: Create Your Account

In this step, you are going to create your account. Make sure that you use your real name, your school email, and the password that I provided you. Once you have filled out the correct information, make sure that you check the boxes that say “I’m not a robot” and “I certify that I am at least 13 years old or…”. This will let you create a Prezi account.
Step 4: What’s Your Role?

Once you have created your account, you will be brought to this page. You will choose “student” for your role.
Step 5: How Would You Like to Begin?

On this page, you will pick what you are doing on Prezi. You will be making a presentation, so you will click the “create a presentation” option. If you want to see examples, you can click “explore presentations”.
Step 6: Choose a Template or Project Type

You can choose whatever template that you feel comfortable with, but I suggest using one under “Education & Non-profit. These templates seem best for a school project. Click on the template that you choose and then click “choose this template”.
Step 7: Presentation Title

Once you have chosen and clicked on your template, this page will pop up. You will name your presentation. Your presentation should be named your last name and your topic. For example “Woods Water Cycle” could be my presentation title. You will also choose “anyone on the web” as who can see this presentation.
Step 8: Begin Your Presentation

Once you have gotten to this screen, you are going to begin your presentation. You can click into the boxes and change the texts as well as insert images from your computer.
Step 9: Adding Another Slide

To add another slide to your presentation, you press the green plus sign in the upper left corner. This is circled in the screenshot. You can choose which type of slide you would like to add. You must have 10 slides in your presentations.
Step 10: Sharing Your Presentation

Once you are finished with your presentation, you will share it by using the link. Click share in the top-middle of your screen. Once the drop-down menu pops up, you will click “view link” and then “create new link”
Step 11: Viewers Name/Create Link

Once you have clicked create link, you will put my name(Ms. Woods) in the “viewer’s name” section of this screen. You will then click “copy” and post the link to your presentation on our google classroom.
credit: Addiewoods20